The dangerous link between masks, hypoxia, and cognitive impairment

A Dissenter and Skeptic in Oregon (and beyond!)

You and I, anti-maskers, have our intelligence criticized without end. We are accused of poor thinking, ignorance, idiocy. The default argumentative tactic in virus debates has become the dreaded ad hominem. An attack on the person, not the idea they have presented. Admittedly, I myself slip into it, labeling maskers and lockdowners as stupid, ignorant, dumb. But I wonder if it’s really true that “nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong.”

Let’s indulge in some ad hominem.

Despite refutations of pro-maskers, it is a well-established fact as well as being common sense that a face covering makes it harder to breathe and reduces your blood oxygenation. The masks we’re all sold as the gold standard, it is commonly known, reduce your oxygenation by up to 20%. That masks reduce blood O2 has been cited by numerous sources such as OSHA and even professional athletes.

To maskers, it may…

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